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When line of sight actually means line of sight

Lots of businesses these days say they need line of sight into their processes. And, to a certain extent, they do. But with your manufacturing business, you must have a predictable and reliable sightline into your operations in order to operate in your competitive markets. If you are running machines, they should be providing data to help you operate smarter, so you can make modifications on the fly. And line of sight into machines is only part of the equation. For optimal productivity, your business may also need planning/scheduling and product lifecycle management tools. Since these solutions are highly specialized, not every ERP partner can help you. In fact, few can.

Worldclass MES Suite

With your manufacturing business, time is literally money. In order to keep productivity and profitability high and the competition in your dust, you need tools that provide relevant, real-time information, help you plan and schedule projects, and manage the entire product lifecycle.

We have built a world-class MES suite that addresses your company’s unique needs. We speak your language and understand your business. So you don’t have to get your implementation up to speed on your business before getting to work on your solution.


Our Machine Monitoring System is flexible, and can adapt to your unique requirements. Competing systems are inflexible, changes may be impossible or require an extensive amount of time. Our solution factors in customer needs, unique system requirements, and specialized business processes.


Our highly-skilled factory specialists have advanced knowledge working to bring machines of different age, brand, and type online, helping you can gain valuable insight from your entire operation. If your installation calls for a new wireless network, wired cable drops, or significant retrofitting of older machines, we’ve got you covered. Other companies might send you parts and instructions, but we are hands-on. We do the work, and you stay productive.


Our Machine Monitoring System is built to connect and integrate with the JUST Monitoring software platform. This integration provides greater visibility across your manufacturing shop floor and helps to improve your manufacturing operations. The JUST Monitoring system can be further integration into your other core business systems, such as ERP and PLM.