The Crucial Role of Diligence Services for Lenders
As a lender, your duty is to extend loans with knowledge and confidence. Sikich’s asset-based lending services offer an objective collateral evaluation, employing a meticulous risk assessment process to ensure these investments pave the way for future opportunities.
What Asset-Based Lending Services Can Do For You
Our lender service offerings empower you to pinpoint and mitigate risk within your clients’ collateral. Count on our due diligence team to proactively identify areas of concern, enhancing your confidence in your clients and bolstering your decision-making.
Lender Services Offerings That Provide Insight Into:
- Borrowing base testing and calculations
- Identifications of ineligible collateral items
- Analysis of significant customer and vendor concentration
- Contingent liabilities
- Insurance coverage
- Tax liability exposure
- Overall operating performance
- Internal controls

Our Customizable Asset-Based Lending Services Include:
- Field exams and new prefunding investment surveys
- Initial loan opportunity evaluation
- Eligibility requirements
- Collateral monitoring
- Cash-flow analysis

Transaction Advisory Services
Our team of transaction advisors knows deals. No matter what you bring to the table, we’ve already seen it. Our senior-level pros respond quickly and get what you need within your timeline. Did we mention we have offices all across the country and experts in every industry?