Quick Path

Gain compliance in 4 phases

By enrolling in the Sikich PCI DSS 4.0 compliance Jumpstart Program, you can rest assured that you have the support and expertise of our team throughout the transition period. We offer a comprehensive solution that is customized to meet each of your specific needs and requirements.

Our team provides clients with information on the new PCI DSS requirements and changes from version 3.2.1 to 4.0, along with a customized training plan for their team.

We assess your current level of compliance against PCI DSS 4.0, identify compliance gaps, and provide a report detailing the results of the assessment.

Our team provides guidance and support to help you address compliance gaps and make necessary changes. We also develop a customized remediation plan. Additionally, if you’ve completed your compliance, stay up to date with our continuous compliance program.

We validate compliance through a Self-Assessment Questionnaire (SAQ) or Report on Compliance (ROC) and provide an Attestation of Compliance (AOC) for you.

Maximize your investment

Comprehensive solution

The Sikich PCI DSS 4.0 Jumpstart Program provides you with a comprehensive solution to transition to PCI DSS 4.0 and achieve and maintain compliance. Each phase includes a set of deliverables that are tailored to your specific needs and requirements.


The Sikich team has extensive expertise in PCI DSS compliance and can provide guidance and support to help you address compliance gaps and make any necessary changes. The team stays up to date on the latest PCI DSS requirements and changes and can provide you with the latest information to help them maintain compliance.

Customized Approach

We will work with you to develop a customized approach based on your specific needs and requirements. The program is designed to be flexible and adaptable to meet the unique needs of each organization.

Cost Effective

The Sikich PCI DSS 4.0 Jumpstart Program offers you a cost-effective solution to transition to PCI DSS 4.0 and achieve and maintain compliance. The program includes a set price for each phase, making it easier for you to budget and plan for your compliance needs.

Working with Sikich, I’ve been able to see a direct decrease in disruption to the engineering teams. … Having this external resource allows [us] to focus on other projects and initiatives.

Eliot Cohen, Senior Compliance Manager


Expert Delivery of PCI DSS Assessments and Cybersecurity Services

Sikich is a managed security service provider (MSSP) with extensive certifications and advanced capabilities. As your security partner, we help you be proactive in forestalling risks and threats. A Sikich virtual chief information security officer (vCISO) can collaborate with you in evolving and refining your security strategy, and our security operations center (SOC) can keep watch 24/7 over your systems and applications. In addition to PCI DSS assessments, we provide a comprehensive portfolio of other consulting services, including IT auditspenetration testingrisk assessmentsdigital forensicsnetwork security planning, and Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification (CMMC) support.

In Sikich PCI DSS compliance assessments, we review all systems and infrastructures you rely on to process, store, and transmit credit card-holder information. We also evaluate the roles of employees and contractors who have access to that data, the policies and procedures that govern you data and systems management, and the facilities where your data and systems reside. At the end of the engagement, you receive a report with actionable recommendations for remediating PCI DSS compliance risks and best-practice guidance for embedding compliance into your security practice. Your Sikich consultants will present and discuss this report with you to help you ensure compliance and boost your cybersecurity posture.