Keep momentum and stay on-top of compliance

With dozens of successful software implementations, Sikich has a deep understanding of Biotechnology businesses and the many challenges they face. Sikich can leverage the experience gained through these implementations to provide a more efficient process to implement NetSuite for your Biotech organization.

As the pace of change in business accelerates, companies are struggling to keep up. As they strive to improve business performance, they are struggling with the following:

Common Challenges SuiteSuccess for Biotechnology Solves

  • Multiple sources of company information (different systems, excel spreadsheets, etc.)
  • Manual processes that cannot scale
  • Implementing Financial Controls
  • Preparing for Equity Events/SOX Controls
  • Efficient/Controlled purchasing processes
  • Generating accurate reporting for Multi-National, Multi-Company, SEC reporting
  • Program Management

Ready for Biotech challenges, right out-of-the-box

Designed to help rapidly-growing Biotech companies manage all aspects of their businesses on a single system, Sikich SuiteSuccess for Life Sciences built on NetSuite enables 120-day implementations, with most core capabilities running within just 30 days.

The ERP solution provides a financial system that can quickly scale as you progress from start-up to commercialization. Integrated with many popular procurement tools, SuiteSuccess for Life Sciences gives you everything you need to succeed, quickly, affordably, and without substantial investments in IT infrastructure. Our flexible deployment model allows you to decide to implement the full solution in the initial engagement or in a phased approach as your organization matures.

SuiteSuccess for Biotech, Built on NetSuite

Here are the elements we bring together that make the most significant impact.

  • Detailed workflows
  • Pre-configured functional roles designed for SOX Compliance
  • Dashboards and KPI’s
  • SEC financial reportin