Ryan Spohn joins Sikich as chief financial officer

Senior financial executive leads professional services firm’s financial strategy and processes

CHICAGO — Oct. 9, 2018 — Professional services firm Sikich recently hired Ryan Spohn as its chief financial officer. In this role, Spohn oversees the firm’s financial and information technology operations.

“Ryan brings valuable financial and operational experience to our firm,” said Sikich CEO Chris Geier. “Throughout his career, he has demonstrated an ability to drive growth organically and through acquisitions –and effectively manage the resulting change. Ryan will be a key part of our team as we continue to embrace technological disruption and develop innovative business solutions for our clients.”

Spohn has expertise in financial reporting and analysis, change management, and mergers and acquisitions. Before joining Sikich, Spohn was the international chief financial officer for InnerWorkings, a marketing execution services company. Spohn also served as InnerWorkings’ interim chief financial officer and senior vice president and corporate controller. Prior to his time at InnerWorkings, Spohn was director of finance for Siemens’ healthcare diagnostics division.

“With a comprehensive set of skills and capabilities it deploys to help clients improve performance, Sikich is in a strong position to lead innovation in the professional services space,” Spohn said. “I look forward to drawing on my experience managing financial functions at public companies to help Sikich successfully grow and stay ahead of market changes.”

Spohn earned an MBA from the University of Chicago’s Booth School of Business and a bachelor’s degree in finance and international business from Indiana University.

*Securities offered through Sikich Corporate Finance LLC, member FINRA/SIPC.

**Investment advisory services offered through Sikich Financial, an SEC Registered Investment Advisor.

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