Why Should You Hire a Salesforce Consultant?

Industry Knowledge

Consultants work with a variety of industries and implement Salesforce differently for each of them. A consultant will use their industry knowledge combined with their Salesforce knowledge to implement a Salesforce instance that works for your business model.

Birds Eye View

Consultants can come into an organization and learn as much as possible about your business methods. Because they aren’t in the day to day they can easily identify problems within a company.

Project Management

Consultants come with immense project management skills. Not only will great project management save you time, it will also save you money. A consultant will meet with you to develop an outline of your implementation and work with you until each goal is met.


Projects can be difficult to successfully deliver when dealing with numerous people, different management styles, and opinions. Consultants can provide an outside view and can help the company stay on course for the common goal. Work with a consultant from the beginning to establish milestones throughout the project that you are continuously working towards.

Motivator for Change

Change can be a scary word. It can be even scarier to implement change. Hire a consultant to be the face of those changes. They will also help you and your employees navigate those changes with ideas from their experience of past successful implementations.


Although a consultant may not know your business as well as you do, they know the tool and how it works. Use a consultant to outline training in preparation for Go-Live, process documents, and even training videos. Did you know you can also use Trailhead to create custom Trailmixes specific to your Salesforce instance?

Refresh, Realign, Refocus

A consultant can bring new life to an organization. They can also bring departments together to align on goals and best practices on how to focus on those goals.

Get it Right, The First Time

Configuring Salesforce incorrectly may result in thousands of dollars of damage–dirty data, inconsistent uses, and more. Hiring a consultant may come with a price tag, but it will save you in the long run. Worried about the upfront cost? Consider focusing on key areas now and focus on another area in six months.

Ready to start your Salesforce implementation? We’re here to help. Contact us today!

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