About Our NetSuite Managed Services Plans

NetSuite is a powerful ERP solution, and to get the most out of this system, there is a level of ongoing administration and support that is required. Sikich is here and available to take some of this off your plate. Our practice has three NetSuite Managed Services Plans, which can be combined with our IT and Security Managed Services Plans to provide a complete technology Managed Services Plan if needed.

The purpose of our NetSuite Managed Services plans is to help our clients offload administrative and maintenance-oriented tasks as well as provide for strategic advice and support to maximize their return-on-investment in NetSuite. Our plans offer guaranteed response times, priority access, unlimited support incidents, SuiteApps support, annual system reviews and much more. With the future of COVID-19 being so uncertain, we are here to help.

While times may be difficult due to the COVID-19 pandemic, along with the uncertainties that inevitably follow, please know that Sikich will remain a constant. Sikich has been providing remote services for years, so we have been able to continue to deliver consulting and support to our clients. These plans will ensure that if/when/should this pandemic have a direct impact on how your company traditionally handles NetSuite support needs, Sikich will be able to seamlessly jump in and provide assistance.

NetSuite Managed Services Plans Break Down

  1. Base Managed Services plan – Will guarantee your company receives hands-on support at the most basic level.
  2. Base+ Managed Services plan – The biggest difference between Base and Base+ is the addition of monthly fiscal month-end support, unlimited support incidents, and the addition of 50 hours to be used for any of our NetSuite consulting services such as create/update workflows, create/update saved searches, audit/compliance support, system optimization and training. Of course, additional time can be purchased at a reduced hourly rate after the 50 hours of additional services have been met.
  3. Premium Managed Services plan – Sikich’s Premium Managed Services plan will offer the most hands-on services out of all 3 plans. In addition to everything in Base+, we add an annual two-day assessment and recommendation session as well as an additional 50 NetSuite Consulting Hours. Additional time can be purchased at a reduced hourly rate after the 100 hours of additional services have been met.

Due to the struggles many are facing at this time, we are bundling in some additional services at no additional cost to assist those who need it during this crisis. If any of these plans fit your company’s current NetSuite needs and future goals, please contact us to set up a call to learn more. You can find further information regarding these plans at

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