How to Keep Your Dynamics 365 Implementation Project on Track During a Pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic has brought many projects and business processes to a screeching halt. These projects can include new software platform implementations, such as an ERP implementation. Your CIO or project leader will eventually have to come down to an important decision with any of these tech implementation projects: Should we move forward with the install?

Many factors will naturally go into this decision, regardless of where your company is with the project. While the costs are an important element in coming to this decision, do not forget to factor in what it will cost to delay the project. If you do want to carry on with the implementation as planned, our tech solutions team has written an ebook on how you can keep your Dynamics 365 (D365) implementation project going and on track.

This ebook focuses on organizations deciding between the Dynamics 365 ERP options available and those who have already decided upon their D365 solution of choice.

Planning a D365 Implementation Project

The first part of the book covers all of the steps your organization will need to take to choose which D365 solution is right for you. It additionally details how to organize a team to select a solution, select a Microsoft Partner, calculate the Total Cost of Ownership (TCO), plan for change management, and assess cloud readiness.

If your organization is looking to upgrade from Microsoft AX, GP, and NAV to D365, this first half of the book also goes into how to choose between Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations or Business Central.

Preparing for a D365 Implementation Project

The second half of the book is for organizations that have already made a D365 solution choice and are preparing to begin the project. Most importantly, it explains how your organization can keep the D365 implementation project going, even with the COVID-19 pandemic disruption.

So much goes into getting ready for the project to begin, not to mention the time it takes to successfully implement the new ERP system. You have to evaluate your current tech to ensure that it’s ready for a new business application. There are also licenses to work out, security management to plan, data migration to prep, and last but not least, employees to train.

Planning for all of these very necessary elements for the project is overwhelming in the best of times. Throwing a pandemic wrench into the mix can make it all downright chaotic. Our book lays it all out for your management team, ensuring that they won’t miss an important step throughout the chaos. All it takes is one missed step to throw the project off track, causing even more delays (and therefore, costs).

Your Guide to D365 Implementation

We want our book to be your business’ personal guide throughout your D365 implementation project, even if you don’t use us as your Microsoft Partner (even though you should). Each portion of the book is divided into 8 sections for easy access, and all 16 of these sections include high-level overview videos with our Subject Matter Experts resulting in nearly $20,000 of free consulting hours. No matter where you are in your Dynamics 365 journey, it’s the perfect accompaniment to your implementation project.

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