Salesforce Tip: Using the Kanban Opportunity View

The Salesforce Kanban Opportunity View is a visual summary of all the potential opportunities for a specific sales path, which will provide your users with a unique opportunity to visualize information. It allows users to see all opportunities at once in a single Opportunity Pipeline. This way, sales representatives can easily keep deals moving forward, and sales managers can easily monitor the progress.

This view also allows users to look at the whole Sales Opportunity Pipeline and move opportunities from one sales stage to the other by dragging and dropping. Here’s how to open and use the Kanban View.

Using the Kanban Opportunity View

In Salesforce, select Opportunities from the main menu bar, and then select Opportunity Pipeline from the following drop-down menu. A list of all of the current deals you’re currently engaged in will then appear.

From this new window with the list of deals, click the Display button and choose “Display As Kanban.” We now have a visualization of all of our opportunities as they lay out in each unique sales stage.

If a user wants to quickly promote one opportunity from one sales stage to another, they can simply drag and drop that, and it will move it over to the next sales stage. Salesforce will automatically recalculate that particular sales pipeline category. The ability to configure this and customize it so that the views are very unique is something that your system administrator can set up.

This unique way to view information inside of Salesforce will help your users to update information more cleanly and accurately. In turn, it will provide management with a more accurate view of their sales pipeline.

Our video tip shows how to do this with the Kanban view in more detail.

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