Update Your #HashtagStrategy

Businesses can connect with their audience and build their brand by leveraging hashtags. But don’t think that just putting the “#” symbol in front of any word will make it #effective. If you fear your current digital marketing efforts aren’t reaching or engaging your target market, driving sales, or increasing web traffic, consider reviewing your hashtag strategy. Read on for helpful tips to upgrade your efforts.  

The Importance of Hashtags for Your Business 

Because technology allows businesses to connect with consumers via social media at the touch of a button, a well-designed digital presence is essential. Social platforms, like Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn, provide an avenue to start a conversation with your target market, and using the “right” hashtags can make it easier. When autumn arrives and the cold weather hits, what better way to express fall’s return than with #SweaterWeather or #PumpkinSpiceLatte? Starbucks has taken advantage of the power of hashtags, and your business can too. 


When promoting content on your company’s website, you’ll reach more readers by using hashtagged keywords that apply to your content and your industry. One of the best ways to update your website’s reach is through hashtags. Be sure to research keywords in your industry and phrases your consumers are using, so you’re utilizing words and terms with high ranking value. When you’re ready to create a new LinkedIn post, you can advertise it to your network and to the community of hashtag users.  

Remember that search engine optimization (SEO) and hashtags go hand in hand. Good keyword research helps you to understand what your customers are searching. According to Sprout Social, tweets get double the engagement when hashtags are used. 

Pro tip: don’t just hashtag keywords because they have a large following. Take the time to find the right keywords that will bring your business visibility to the content you’re promoting. 


Hashtags start conversations, but they also help your organization join discussions. Trending hashtags, or popular topics that are being used on social media, are a great way for businesses to stay connected with consumers and buzzworthy topics. Be sure to keep an eye on trending topics related to your business and join the conversation when presented with the opportunity. Using trending hashtags is a great tactic for businesses that aren’t seeing results from their current social media efforts. Update your hashtag practice with this strategy, and you’ll likely draw in new connections.  

Pro tip: don’t join a conversation for the sake of just interacting with new users. The more specific your hashtag is to your industry, the better. Find the followers that best represent your business.  


Think local—by using phrases related to your local audience, you improve the odds of connecting with your local targets. From #ChicagoLife to #BuckeyeNation or #MKEBuilds, local hashtags are an opportunity for organizations to get creative and are a great strategy to promote local events or announcements.  


Gone are the days when ten different hashtags on one post was acceptable. #Your #entire #sentence #should #not #be #hashtags, and the content of your post shouldn’t be followed by a dozen different hashtags. Pay attention to what your consumers are searching, reference your keyword research, and use those hashtags—rather than every term that may apply to your business. 


Stand out from your competitors with brand hashtags for a specific campaign or event. Because branded hashtags are unique to your company, when your target market sees #SikichMarketing, they know exactly what organization the hashtag represents.  


To update your business’s hashtag strategy, remember to utilize the power of hashtags for content and conversations. Hone in on trending topics, and stand out with brand hashtags. If your social media work isn’t producing the results you’d like to see, perform some keyword research and make sure you’re keeping the number of hashtags per post to a reasonable level. For more help with your organization’s social media, reach out to our team of marketing experts.

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