Top 5 Reasons You Need Better Data Visualization With Power BI

We’ve written on several occasions about the usefulness and the incredible efficiency that Power BI can bring to your Microsoft Dynamics ERP systems. This powerful tool can show anyone in the organization, anywhere, virtually any insight one would want to know from data. The best part is that it’s all in one place for easy viewing. There’s no need to open various reports and compare everything in different windows.

But this is just one reason why Power BI can transform how you view your data. Here are five reasons why your organization needs Power BI to improve the way it does business.

Discover Information Not Easily Found Through Financial Reports

One of the best features of Power BI is that it allows you to view an informational dashboard that can be customized to address your responsibility of the organization. Power BI’s intuitive features allow you to automatically generate reports based on your personalized dashboards, resulting in an enhanced and unified user experience. It is also easier than ever to dynamically filter reports to a specific date range or even focus on a specific customer, product line, etc.

Understand consumer behavior

We all know what is best for one customer may not be best for all, Power BI allows users to create dashboards that highlight key performance indicators for each customer. Use Power BI to determine which geographical areas perform better for certain products or time periods. Perhaps you need better insights into specific customer buying patterns. There is no more looking through endless rows in an excel spreadsheet, struggling to get the data just right to fit into a pivot table. Power BI automatically refreshes data from your GP system, so you have up to the minute visualizations to help you make key decisions without waiting.

Increase Efficiency

Are you still emailing reports to individual teams? Collecting data from 5 different team leaders, waiting to get the data to make a budget decision? Quickly and easily distribute and collect reports to and from your teams. With reports that are continuously updated and available at any location, distribution is a breeze and does not rely on any one team member. Provide your colleagues the ability to edit reports and make adjustments to create a subset of reports that are tailored to them.

Enable your team to ask insightful questions about your data

Power BI makes it easier than ever to provide your team with visualizations that inspire questions which may not arise when looking at a spreadsheet. With multiple dynamic visualizations on one page, you can easily analyze trends and discover why some outliers exist for certain time periods, customers, etc. Being able to filter your data on various dimensions can greatly aid with determining which business elements are a key to success.

Improves the ability to make informed decisions

Utilizing Power BI can also allow your team to consider more information when making decisions for the future. For example, if you are planning to launch an existing product in a new geographic market, you can view how other products initially sold in new markets. You can also determine which area would be the best to launch a new product.

If you have any questions or would like to get started with Power BI today, contact us at any time!

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