Finance Transformation for $250MM F500 Innovation Hub


A multinational aerospace corporation launched an innovation arm in response to shifting market and competitive dynamics in the aerospace industry. With a focus on developing game-changing technologies, the corporation tapped their brightest engineering and business minds to run this innovation hub out of Silicon Valley.


While opportunities were teeming on the technology side of the new innovation arm, the organization was confronted with early challenges around process, systems and a clear method to understanding, assessing and reporting on the progress of their projects, which were essentially run like stand-alone companies.

The Finance Transformation team was brought in to support the innovation arm’s newly established shared services organization.

Our Approach and Results

The team’s tasks included the following:

  • Assessed tools, software and overall execution methodologies of the 10+ projects
  • Determined most suitable technology solutions to implement going forward
  • Served as the project management office to help bridge the gap between engineering and project teams, as well as between shared services and organization leadership
  • Led a systems selection and implementation project resulting in a robust reporting and forecasting platform, Anaplan, that helped the organization align with other involved parties’ reporting requirements
  • Bolstered the planning and forecasting capabilities of the organization and its project teams
The experience described in this case study was performed by Accelerated Growth, a company acquired by Sikich LLP on 11.30.2022. Please click here for more information about our Finance Transformation services.

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