Webinar: DOL Employee Benefit Plan Audits (Hub International)

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What to Expect from Health and Welfare Plan DOL Investigations

It’s not just the IRS that’s interested in the compliance status of your benefit plan. The Department of Labor is conducting audits of benefit plans as well. Watch this webinar to hear directly from the Department of Labor (DOL) on how to prepare for a Health and Welfare Plan Investigation.

You will learn about your ERISA and fiduciary responsibilities, the types of investigations the DOL is conducting and the audit process. During this webinar you will:

  • Get a first-hand look at what to expect when the DOL audits your Plan
  • Hear about the various types of DOL audits and what each entails
  • Learn about the broad jurisdiction of the DOL when it comes to health plans
  • See how to prepare for a DOL audit
  • Be provided with an overview of the Form 5500 filing process
  • Presented by:
    Nathan Johnson
    Senior Advisor – Health Investigations, U.S. Department of LaborJack McStravock
    Regional Chief Compliance Officer, HUB InternationalKaren Sanchez
    Partner-in-Charge, Employee Benefits, Sikich LLP

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