Cybersecurity Awareness Videos

Cybersecurity has constantly been one of the hottest topics in business and the countless stories in the news about hacked systems are just part of the story. It costs businesses untold sums of money to recover and then build a more robust system that is less prone to breaches. That’s why the best thing to do is think about security before incidents happen. We’ve created these videos to highlight areas you can contemplate as you begin your cybersecurity initiatives and if they are providing you with enough support.

Being Cyber Smart

We’re starting off Cybersecurity month with some tips on how to be smart when encountering some common problems and attacks that are currently happening.


Phishing is such a common tactic attackers use to pry information and data from you and your organization. Learn what it is, how people go about it and what you can do so that attempts at phishing won’t be successful.

Cybersecurity Careers

The need for cybersecurity continues to grow as digital privacy climbs in importance. Ruth Barra, senior cybersecurity consultant, talks about why looking into a career protecting data is a good idea.

Security First

Putting data security first is something that all companies need to start doing. Small and medium size business, while historically not a huge target, are now in the scope of attackers. Kevin Bong talks about how to take practical, simple steps towards better cybersecurity.

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