5 Steps Toward a Successful Recruitment Strategy

Following a cookie-cutter approach is near impossible for recruitment managers of varying organizations. Finding your own, efficient process—from the interview through the offer letter—is what will deliver the best results possible. To get you started, we offer you five steps toward developing a successful recruitment strategy that will not only get great candidates in the door, but will maintain compliance as well.

  1. Use pre-screening questions. These questions, which highlight the must-have’s of an open position, can save a great deal of time by eliminating candidates who do not meet the basic criteria. Asking pre-screening questions also allows you to interview more candidates in a smaller timeframe.
  2. Obtain completed applications. For those candidates who move forward after the pre-screening questions, ask for a completed application. These show that a candidate can follow directions, and they allow you to get a second check on employment facts. Statistics show that 40 percent of candidates lie on their resumes, so check their resume against the application. Note: Writing “See Resume” under work history on the application is not acceptable.
  3. Conduct pre-employment testing. Many organizations choose to include pre-employment testing as part of the interview process, as it’s a cost-effective way to determine candidate behavior and abilities. However, it should only be used in conjunction with all other interview aspects, and should not be used as a hire/no hire decision-making tool by itself.
  4. Get reference and background checks. These are critical to get job-related information from previous employers. Reference checks should be directed toward the candidate’s past supervisor. At the same time, background checks can be also be appropriate for certain open positions. These can be a solid investment, as the provider can offer you effective checks on education, criminal history, credit, professional licensure and more.
  5. Formalize the offer. When you’ve decided on a number-one candidate, write an offer letter. A good offer letter will outline the terms and conditions of employment, including start date, salary, supervisor, benefits eligibility and other essential information. It will leave little to no room for interpretation. And before you complete the recruitment process, find out if your state requires you to report new hires.

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