30 Ways B2B Companies Can Use Social Media: Part 2

Last month, we started this series off by providing 10 ways accountants and business consultants can use social media to connect their companies to new and potential clients. Now, we’re offering 10 different ideas, but with one thing in common—all require interaction. Remember when we advised that you maintain consistency and participate at least every other day?  Try upping the ante this month by posting once a day to the channels most frequented by your followers.

  1. Blog about… a conference you attended recently. This must be timely, though. Don’t blog about a conference session you attended a few weeks ago.
  2. Create a “fun” Pinterest board where you can feature the personality behind your company. Even though current and potential clients want to know why you’re experts, they also want to know with whom they’re working.
  3. Cross-post your content on all social channels. If your company created an e-book or wrote a whitepaper, post a teaser and link to the webpage where they can find the entire piece. Don’t forget to use keywords or hashtags if the social channel allows.
  4. Similar to LinkedIn groups, Facebook also has groups. You should join those relevant to your industry, participate in discussions and tag them with your own posts that they would find interesting.
  5. Follow those on Twitter who follow you—if they are quality followers who are relevant to your company or industry. It’s just proper Twitter etiquette.
  6. Blog about… a day in the life of an employee. Not only is this another way for current and potential clients to learn with whom they’re working, but it could be a great recruitment tool as well.
  7. Post event and registration information, but find a good balance. If you post too often about your events, people will see this as being overly promotional. At the same time, social media is a great way to get the word out about upcoming events, especially webinars.
  8. Speaking of events, tweet during the events you host with a unique hashtag. Provide the official hashtag to your attendees so they can tweet too.
  9. Produce a recruitment video. Job candidates want to know what really happens in your company, so give them first-hand testimonials from your current employees. Ask them to share their best workplace stories while on camera—then post the video on your social channels.
  10. Ask for LinkedIn recommendations. If a potential client is searching for would-be contacts at a prospective vendor, they’ll want an objective review from a current client. Plus, they might be more apt to go to a vendor with recommendations as opposed to one with zero recommendations.

How often are you interacting on your social channels? Do you find that it works for you?

Check in next month for our third and final part of this blog series.

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