30 Ways B2B Companies Can Use Social Media: Part 1

Developing, implementing and maintaining a strong social media program can be tough in the business-to-business (B2B) world. It’s feasible though, and actually, there are countless (and creative) ways that B2B companies can obtain new clients and foster relationships with current clients through social media.

In this three-part series, we will offer a total of 30 ways you can get started with a social media program. From blogging to tweeting, and everything in between, creating a successful program is all about consistency. Experts agree that participating on social channels at least every other day is necessary to build a high-quality following, so get ready to start interacting!

  • Blog about… a research study your company conducted, and tease the results. Then, offer a link where your readers can find the entire report.
  • Tweet during trade shows to get visitors to your booth. You’d be surprised to know how many event attendees tweet about their experiences and look to Twitter for event information. Use the event’s official hashtag to find influencers at the event.
  • Produce a vlog, also known as a video blog. Even if you’re not selling a visually stunning product or service, people love to watch videos—plus, now that Google owns YouTube, they can significantly help your search engine optimization. Keep vlogs to less than 60 seconds.
  • Start a recurring Tw itter series, such as a weekly tip. It will showcase your expertise while providing value to current or potential clients.
  • Create a Pinterest board specifically for your blog posts. This is a great way to feature your expertise, but make sure to include images in all of your posts for maximum effectiveness.
  • Blog about… a new product that you or your company used. Everyone wants to read reviews on products they might use.
  • Follow relevant groups on LinkedIn and participate in discussions. Don’t get overly promotional with your discussion posts, but do include a link to your blog if there is a post that directly relates to the discussion topic.
  • Use hashtags on Twitter. By adding this simple number symbol (#) before a keyword, you will allow other users to search for content that you’re providing.
  • Share your guides and handbooks on SlideShare. If you created a “how to” e-book, post it to SlideShare so that social channel’s audience can find it as well.
  • Post job openings on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn. This is an effective way to find qualified entry-level candidates, and more professionals are joining all of these channels every day.

Stay tuned for part two of this series next month. In the meantime, share your social media experiences—what has worked for your company?

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