Planning on NetSuite and Salesforce Integration Benefits

As you think about the potential operational advantages and cost benefits of a NetSuite and Salesforce integration, you should take into account the inefficiencies of redundant data entry and the ambiguities of unreliable, inconsistent information. The savings in cost and time are generally not difficult to project and verify—and they can be substantial. The opportunity costs associated with slow or poorly informed decision-making and business management are harder to quantify. Still, you may be able to gather feedback from your users to document such liabilities.


Improvements in the customer experience may result when, subsequent to a NetSuite and Salesforce integration, employees in your sales and service groups can be more responsive and provide answers or resolve issues more efficiently and reliably than they did before. They will probably reflect in your customer satisfaction and retention metrics, customer lifetime value, Net Promoter Score, and similar values.


Your operation may become greatly more scalable once you align roles and processes and integrate both a CRM and ERP system. For many of our clients, that means they can more easily manage their growth, acquire more customers, manage more transactions, expand their portfolio of products and services, or generate more revenue at better margins. They can move faster and with greater agility in response to strategic or market changes. Their infrastructure costs and other overhead may be a fraction of what they have been with the previous disparate software systems, missing process handoffs, and inefficiencies.


Integrating NetSuite and Salesforce can make compliance simpler and less risky, especially for public companies or organizations that need to follow demanding regulatory mandates. External and internal auditors will find it easier to test contracts and activities such as invoicing or how a company recognizes revenue. Instead of just testing transactions in NetSuite ERP, they may also be able to test processes that begin in Salesforce CRM and eventually impact financial documents and data in NetSuite. Compliance audits can become more meaningful and reliable with a greater range of testing and a higher level of auditor confidence.


When we help companies align data and processes and then integrate NetSuite and Salesforce, some jobs may become more enjoyable and interesting when performing duplicate data entry or research and resolving data discrepancies and errors is no longer necessary. You may be able to transition finance team members and others who played supporting or clerical roles into business analyst positions, giving them a more strategic function that makes better use of their talent and experience. Similarly, following an integration, NetSuite and Salesforce administrators can use their skills to accomplish more for the organization at a higher level.

When businesses become aware of the positive impact of empowering people who are no longer occupied by basic data management tasks, they may want to provide skills development and training opportunities for them to continue their professional growth. Thus, a NetSuite and Salesforce integration can open a path for workforce transformation with a relatively minor investment.

Next Steps

Want to learn more about the benefits of a NetSuite and Salesforce integration? Check out our free ebook, Integrating NetSuite and Salesforce Is Great for the Health of Your BusinessIf you’re ready to get started, please contact one of our experts at any time!

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