How to Utilize JavaScript to Add Business Rules in Power Pages Forms

As of 2022, Microsoft announced that Power Portals would be rebranded to Power Pages. This low-code power platform is a great solution for developers across the industry. It allows organizations to create professional websites that are connected through Microsoft’s Dataverse, for internal or external users. While initially gathering requirements and configuring a Power Pages website, developers will quickly come to the realization that this platform operates differently from other Microsoft systems. One of these differences would be adding Business Rules to forms. The Business Rules created in Dataverse do not work in Power Pages. A simple task in the CRM system has become more technical in the world of Power Pages. This article will explore how to add the JavaScript to Hide/Show fields and a section on Portal forms.

Add Business Rules in Power Pages Using JavaScript

Scenario: A company has a Power Pages website configured where their clients can submit a case. Management would like to add business rules to hide/show fields and sections based on what a user selects.

First, we must locate where to put our JavaScript. Navigate to Portal Management, select Basic Forms, and choose a form.

choose a form in Portal Management

In the top banner select Additional Settings.

select Additional Settings

Scroll down to the Custom JavaScript section. This is where we will add additional JavaScript.

custom JavaScript setting in Portal Case Form

Let’s say that we want to hide/show a field based on a yes/no column. We will initially need to determine the field we would like to trigger the business rule. We will utilize this fields logical name in the JavaScript. In this example, we would replace the “yes/nofield” with the logical name of our trigger field. Then we would use the logical name of the field we want to hide and replace “field” in our JavaScript. If we were to write this out, it would read: “If the ‘yes/nofield’ is changed to yes, show “field.”

using JavaScript to add Business Rules to Power Pages

If a scenario is calling for a field to hide/show based on a radio button, we would need to determine the logical name of the radio button field we would like to utilize as the trigger. This logical name we will use three times in our JavaScript. Similarly, we will need to find the logical name of the field that we want to hide/show and replace “fieldname” in the JavaScript.

replace field name in JavaScript

Lastly, if we want to show/hide fields and a section based on a dropdown, we need to initially get the logical names of the drop-down field, the field we want to hide/show, and the section. Under the “var” section of the JavaScript, consider this as a place where we can put all the fields and sections on the form that we want to show/hide when the form is opened. In the “if conditions,” we will determine the choice that is being selected, and adding the fields and sections we want to show/hide.

determine the fields you want to show/hide

Although the process is more technical in Power Pages, the task can still be accomplished by implementing JavaScript. The utilization of Business Rules on forms can play a major role in user experience.

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