6 Email Marketing Mistakes and How to Fix Them

If done correctly and tastefully, your emails can generate the highest ROI out of all your marketing methods—so make sure to include email in your multi-channel marketing plan. Before you get rolling, be aware of the following common mistakes marketers are making today and learn why they’re turning their readers away:

You’re not grabbing my attention
64% of people say that they open an email because of the subject line. This is your first opportunity to give your reader incentive to open. In (ideally) 50 characters or less, tell them what benefit you are delivering and persuade them to do so (creatively, of course). But make sure…

You’re not making me feel special
…to always make me feel like I’m one-of-a-kind. If you’re effectively going through the lead nurturing process, you should know a little something-something about your prospects and clients—such as their purchase history, website activity and download history. Use this treasure trove of information and incorporate elements of personalization to speak to each reader and resonate with them. Segment your list, consider adding their name in the greeting and avoid sending from a email address—or they’ll think you sent this to everyone you know (and that you’re not human).

You’re not telling me what you want from me
Your call-to-action should be near the top, above the fold—meaning, I don’t even have to scroll. I open your email and bam!—there’s the purpose of your whole spiel. Your reader isn’t going to dissect your email to find out why you sent it to begin with. Make sure you tell them up front and make it easy for them to do so by calling out important links or instructions.

You kind of sound like a used car salesman
Email is an excellent channel to deliver value to your audience. By losing the salesy talk and focusing on educating your readers, you’ll earn credibility and appreciation—solving someone’s biggest pain points goes a long way. Focus on the benefit to the reader and you’ll reap the rewards later. Promise them something worthwhile and deliver.

You’re not even giving me the option to share
I loved your content so much that I want to tell the world about it immediately, but I quickly notice you’ve neglected to include social sharing buttons. Emails containing social sharing buttons generate 30% higher click-through rates than emails without social sharing links. Expand the reach of your content and drive more traffic to your social networking sites by including these links in your emails. The more access email subscribers, fans and followers have to your content, the more likely they are to visit your website, refer others to it and purchase your products or services.

You’re holding me captive
You’ve made the previous five mistakes and now I’m just begging for an exit—but there’s no escape in sight. Now I’m really unhappy. You only want recipients on your list who want your emails—better yet, enjoy receiving your emails—so don’t get all sneaky and hide that unsubscribe button. Plus, you want to adhere to the CAN-SPAM law.

By spending some time auditing your email campaigns and finding areas your organization could improve in, you’re more likely to have your emails opened and your readers begging for more. Get more free email marketing tips by attending our webinar on June 26, 2013 from Noon – 1 PM CST, “Bang for Your Marketing Buck! Pushing the e-Envelope.”

What questions do you have about email marketing? Leave them in the comments section below and we’ll answer them in our webinar!

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